Laboratory of User Interaction and Software Engineering

The Laboratory of User Interaction and Software Engineering (LoUISE) was created in 2000 and during the last years has aimed its research activities towards e-Health. Its goals have been always centred in enhancing the quality of interactive systems. With this aim it has stood on other branches of knowledge such as Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence or the Design of Control Systems for the development of cyber-physical systems. Nowadays the group consists of more than 20 researchers belonging to the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM). Throughout its trajectory, a high number of researchers working both in Spain and abroad have collaborated with the LoUISE group. Regarding the research lines, they currently focus on the health domain.


Our objective has always been aimed at improving the quality of interactive systems, for which we have also relied on other branches of science such as software engineering, artificial intelligence or the design of control systems for cyber-physical systems.

Software Engineering

Software Architectures, Model Driven Development, Usability/User Experience, Quality Assurance, Interaction Patterns, Adaptive Interactive System, Collaborative systems, Digital Twins

Next Generation of User Interfaces

Virtual Reality, Multimodal User Interfaces, Augmented Reality, Haptics, Tangible User Interfaces, Gesture-Based User Interfaces

Natural and Artificial Interactive System

Artificial Vision, Pattern Recognition, Autonomous navigation, Brain-Computer Interfaces, Affective Computing

Ubiquitous Computing

Sensors Monitoring, Physiological Signals, Multi-Sensor Information Fusion, Ambient Intelligent, Cyber-Physical Systems




Papers in JCR

Supervised PhD Thesis


“WENDY HALL” AWARDS 2022. Award for the best Research Group Webpage

The Vice President for Transformation and Digital Strategy of the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM) launched the call for III the best websites of the UCLM 2022, to promote the dissemination of knowledge through digital media and the open publication of quality content, the dissemination of academic activity as well as to highlight the efforts of those who use the Internet to improve the visibility of their work.

On June 15, 2022, the qualifying jury met to assess the applications received, and granted the Award for the best
Research Group Webpage to the Laboratory of User Interface and Software Engineering (LoUISE).

Ada Lovelace Award to the best Research Master Thesis 2021-2022

On October 24, 2022, the School of Computer Science from the University of Castilla-La Mancha granted the  Ada Lovelace 2022 Award to María Elena Pretel Fernández for her Master Thesis «Digital Twins as a pattern in the design and development of social cyber-physical systems» because of its research perspective.

National Award to the best Final Master Thesis 2019

SISTEDES Award to the best Final Master's Project has gone to Ms. Aurora Macías Ojeda, from the University of Castilla-La Mancha for the work entitled "Specification and Implementation of a Microservices-Based Architecture for Context-Aware Applications".

AIPO International Award to the Best Bachelor Thesis (2019)

Jorge Juan has obtained the award to the Best Bachelor Thesis in the contest of the V edition of the Final Degree Projects and Final Master’s Projects of Spanish and Latin American university degree students who had defended their final degree or Master’s work during the academic year 2017-18.

National Award to the Best PhD 2018

Miguel Ángel Teruel Martínez has been awarded for the work: “Improving Post-WIMP Collaborative Systems from the Requirements Specification”, as Best Doctoral Thesis in Software Engineering, by the Society of Software Engineering and Software Development Technologies (SISTEDES).

ISAMI 2018 Best Workshop Paper Award

Our paper entitled «Towards the Design of Avatar-Based Therapies for Enhancing Facial Affect Recognition» has been awarded as the ISAMI 2018 Best Workshop Paper Award.

AENOR National Award to the Bachelor Thesis

Aurora Macías has obtained the second award for the work: “TankWarVR: collaborative game on Oculus Rift platform”, in the Bachelor Thesis category of the annual call for national standardization awards for students organized by the Spanish Association for Standardization and Certification (AENOR)

UCLM Extraordinary Doctorate Award 2015-2016

Miguel Ángel Teruel Martínez, with his thesis Improving Post-WIMP Collaborative Systems from the Specification of Requirements, directed by professors Pascual González and Elena Navarro, has deserved the Extraordinary Award of Doctorate in the field of Engineering and Architecture. In this work, Teruel Martínez presents the CSRML language with which the needs of a multi-user computer system can be specified.

Interational Award to the Best Final Bachellor Degree Project 2016

AIPO, the Human-Computer Interaction Association that brings together all professionals and researchers at the national level interested in Human-Computer Interaction, failed the awards of the II Contest of Final Degree Projects and Final Master's Projects of Spanish...

SIGCHI ITS Mention Award

A collaboration work between Future Lab (UPV) LoUISE group has been awarded by SIGCHI ITS.


Instituto de Investigación en Informática

Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

Campus Universitario de Albacete SN
(02071) Albacete, Spain

louise #at#