The RAAP group is supported by the Department of Computing Systems from the University of Castilla-La Mancha and the Albacete Research Institute of Informatics, both holding their premises in the Albacete Campus.
Research in the group has been developed four big areas of interest, with the support of different projects granted with public (regional to european) and private funds:
- Interconnection networks for High-Performance Parallel Systems
- Efficient management of resources in Cloud/Fog computing environments
- Integration of SDN whit Cloud Computing
- Speed-up and Desing of HEVC codec for High Performance Computing
- Perceptual Image and Video Coding
- Joint collaborative video coding between H.264/AVC, HEVC and their extensions
- Video Transcoding
- Management of Smart Spaces based on Heterogeneous IoT Networks
- Internet of Things in Agriculture
- Improvements in Aircraft Final Approach Procedures
The philosophy of the RAAP group is to keep up with a high quality scientific production, and to participate in national and international projects together with other universities or research centers. As a result, a high percentage of the publications generated by its members has arisen thanks to the collaboration held with other research groups.
Currently the group is integrated by 31 researchers (18 PhD)
Summary of Results
The works arisen from these collaborations as well as the developments carried out within the group have been published in high interest journals (IEEE Transactions on Computers, IEEE Transactional Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Transations on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE micro, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, etc.), summing up to a total of 70 journal papers and 75 papers in international conferences (High Performance Computer Architecture, GLOBECOM, International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, International Conference High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, ACM Multimedia, International Conference on Image Processing, International Networking Conference, IEEE International Conference on Parallel Processing, Europar, etc.), in the last 5 years.
In the last 5 years, the group has been involved in 16 research projects. With financing amounting to 2.5 M€.
During the last ten years, 22 PhD theses have been read, all of them with international mention and with the highest qualification. During the next three years, we estimate that, at least, 10 new theses will be read. The excellent training received as well as the accumulated research expertise have enabled our doctors who have left the group to continue with their scientific and/or professional activity far from us. In most cases, from their already consolidated jobs, and, in the rest of cases, through postdoctoral scholarships or stays.
The group has also collaborated with different companies, research centres and universities:
The members of the group are also involved as TPC member, TP Chair, General Chair or Co-Chair or Steering Committee members in the multiple international conferences organized by the group, within the thematic of the solicited project. The latest international events organized by the group:
- HiPINEB workshop (help in conjunction with HPCA)
- Workshop WOPSSS (help in conjunction with ISC)
- HiPINEB summer school