The students and teachers from Kliment Ohridski Primary School, Chirpan, Bulgaria are carrying out the first stage of the implementation of the project. During the English Language Classes we have been doing exercises following the principles of the New Wearable Methodology. The aim of the practice is to make children familiar with the tasks that they will have to complete after the methodology is integrated in our school program. The results are fantastic! The children manage with the brainstorming tasks perfectly and their motivation to study and work is remarkable.
The method that we used was based on the organization of workstations symbolizing different levels of the new software that is being developed. There was Shopping, Painting, Communication, Song, Read and Stick the image and Find and Catch areas.

In the Shopping area the students have to find the products written on the sheets of paper and complete successfully the shopping lists. At the Painting station they have to read the short description and paint a colorful picture according to the instructions. In the Communication zone the young learners are assigned to make short dialogues introducing themselves and asking their partners for information. Read and Stick exercise is the popular way to motivate children to learn new words by finding the correct images and sticking them accordingly below the English words. But what is a nice day at school without having fun? At the Song and Find and Catch areas the students have the greatest time while singing English songs and recognizing objects without seeing them, using only their tactile sense.

Thanks to the perfect weather and the opportunity to arrange our Wearable Classroom in the beautiful School Garden we achieved our purpose – to make students believe that studying is always fun and pleasure when it is done in an exciting and motivating way. Now they are expecting their new adventures with the English Vocabulary and Grammar and their favorite Avatars – Wea, Ble and Ra.