Wearable Aula is coming in El Bonillo, Spain
The teachers of the El Bonillo are working hard in the classroom. Good work!!The Wearable Aula is coming!

Wearable Methodology has been published on Researchgate
Wearable Methodology project has been include in www.researchgate.net
ResearchGate is a social networking site for scientists and researchers to share and disseminate research projects,papers, ask and answer questions, and find collaborators.
Wearable Methodology for Education in the conference CUC, Croatia
Wearable Methodology for Education project has been accepted in the Conference CUC (related to technology, psychology and psychopedagogy in Education)
Program link
Summary Wearable Methodology for Education
Webpage Conference CUC

Testing the first version of wearable software/hardware at El Bonillo School
Testing the first version of wearable software/hardware at El Bonillo School.
Teachers and students have been creating the contents of the game “European Game”. where by teams students have to learn cities, typical foods, monuments, etc.nabout the member countries in the EU Europe.
The experience was very positive and enriching, students and teachers enjoyed applying the wearable methodology.

“Innovative teachers, competent students” has published ‘Wearable Methodology’ in its webpage
Do you know the “Wearable Methodology” methodology? The main purpose of the project is the reduction of school failure in Primary Education, a high risk factor for early school leaving.
María Dolores Haya González talks about it in ‘Innovative teachers competent students page’
Wearable Aula is coming at ‘El Bonillo School’

Weаrable methodology in the summer
St. Kliment Ohridski School, Bulgaria is applying the Wearable Methodology in the school.
Students learn by playing. Teachers and students are doing the educational content that uses wearable methodology software.

We are on the national Bulgarin news :)
We are on the national news today! Great! We are a perfect team – Spain, Croatia and Bulgaria!
Today Bugarian News Agency published information about Wearable Methodology Project and our talanted students who were awarded with certificates for achievement in pet and logo contest.
The heading says – Bulgarian students contribute to the design of innovative software, which is being developed in a Spanish University
The Bulgarian News Agency (BTA) is Bulgaria’s national news agency. It was established by a decree issued by Prince Ferdinand I in 1898. The BTA is now a major and reliable source of information to the print and electronic media, the state bodies and NGOs in Bulgaria. BTA’s operation is regulated by a Statute adopted by the 36th National Assembly on 29 June 1994.
The Agency is “an autonomous national news organization”, whose director general is elected by Parliament. The Agency’s Statute guarantees its independent editorial policy and protects it from any economic and political influence.
BTA’s operation is financed from the sale of its information services and products, through advertisements, and through action allocations from the national budget.
BTA is a member of the European Alliance of News Agencies, whose statute stipulates that only one news agency per country is admitted. It is also a founder member of the Association of Balkan News Agencies. BTA exchanges
Ceremony for the end of the school year students form Kliment Oridski primary school
This evening at the official ceremony for the end of the school year students form Kliment Oridski primary school were awarded with diplomas for special contribution to the logo and pet contest of Wearable Methodology Erasmus+ project. The certificates of achievement were prepared and sent by IT department of University Castila La Mancha. Mrs Mariyana Krivoshapkova, Principal of Kliment Ohridski School – Chirpan, is awarding Kiril Andon Krushev, Danaya Taneva, Elitsa Petrova, Sintiya Dancheva, Aleksandra Maneva, Radost Stoycheva, Antoniya Taneva with the most valuable prize for the young artists! The ceremony has been held in the town culture club in the presence of parents, local government representatives and members of local community. Good luck to the young designers and a big THANK YOU for the University of Castilla La Mancha.