AENOR National Award to the Bachelor Thesis Aurora Macías has obtained the second award for the work: “TankWarVR: collaborative game on Oculus Rift platform”, in the Bachelor Thesis category of the annual call for national standardization awards for students organized...
UCLM Extraordinary Doctorate Award 2015-2016 Miguel Ángel Teruel Martínez, with his thesis Improving Post-WIMP Collaborative Systems from the Specification of Requirements, directed by professors Pascual González and Elena Navarro, has deserved the...
AIPO International Award to the Best Bachelor Thesis AIPO, the Human-Computer Interaction Association that brings together all professionals and researchers at the national level interested in Human-Computer Interaction, failed the awards of the II Contest of Final...
SIGCHI ITS Mention Award Aurora Macías has obtained the second award for the work: “TankWarVR: A collaboration work between Future Lab (UPV) LoUISE group has been awarded by SIGCHI...
SISTEDES National Award to the best PhD Project Miguel Ángel Teruel Martínez has been awarded for the Best PhD Project in Software Engineering, by the Society of Software Engineering and Software Development Technologies (SISTEDES). This work has been developed in the...