AENOR National Award to the Bachelor Thesis

Aurora Macías has obtained the second award for the work: “TankWarVR: collaborative game on Oculus Rift platform”, in the Bachelor Thesis category of the annual call for national standardization awards for students organized by the Spanish Association for Standardization and Certification (AENOR).

The work «TankWarVR: Collaborative Game on Oculus Rift Platform», by Aurora Macías, addresses the development of an avant-garde collaborative video game, taking into account the challenges and guidelines contemplated in the latest research published in the area of collaborative systems in general and video games in particular. «One of the most interesting features of the project is the use of Oculus Rift, a virtual reality headset that allows players to offer an immersive experience while participating in a tank war collaborating with other players to eliminate rival tanks,» she explains.

One of the main contributions of this work is the presentation of a process that allows both the definition of the game itself, and its evaluation. It has been developed at the LoUISE group, under the direction of researchers Elena Navarro and Miguel Ángel Teruel.