Design and Evaluation of a Framework Driven by the User Experience for the Development of Cyberphysical Social Systems for Healthcare

Grant PID2019-108915RB-I00 funded by:


2gether Hypothesis

The initial hypothesis of this project is that Cyber-Physical Social Systems may enhance the living experience of the user in the context of health scenarios by developing systems that put together humans, the physical world, the cyberworld and the social world in a transparent way. This project also proposes addressing the challenges associated to CPSS in the context of three specific health-related domains before contributing to the future development of a new generation of CPSS. 

From CPS to CPSS

Mobile and pervasive computing has experienced a vast development in recent years with a focus on developing cyber-physical systems (CPS) to endow communication and computation capabilities to the different physical objects around the user providing an augmented physical experience. However, these efforts have paid particular attention to computation with less focus on the individuals, not considering an intrinsic characteristic of humans such as socialization. To address this deficiency, Cyber-Physical Social Systems (CPSS) propose to go beyond the interaction of the user in a cyber-physical environment by considering aspects of the social dimension, that is, taking into account how individuals socialize, collaborate and interact with others.

Get Started

What we will achive

Scientific Goals


Define a methodology to guide the development of CPSS


Define a proposal for the specification of CPSS requirements considering the specific expressive needs of CPSS

Define a Quality Model to evaluate the Social UX of the CPSS.

Define a quality evaluation process that considers the evolution of the UX over time

Define a proposal for the adaptation of CPSS that considers the needs of the individual and the social aspects of these systems.

Define a proposal based on Microservices for the specification of CPSS architectures.

Identify and evaluate which MSA patterns facilitate the construction of CPSS

Identify and evaluate metrics that allow evaluating the alignment of the implemented and prescribed architecture and its subsequent traceability to development

What we will achive

Domain Specific Goals

Develop CPSS to support rehabilitation activities for ADL that consider the physical, social and cultural context of individuals considering aspects of ecological validity

Develop CPSS to support Activity of Daily Living assessment procedures to systematize the collection and processing of data and determine the performance of patients using objective parameters.

Develop CPSS for the treatment of Autism and ADHD that avoid isolation and lack of awareness of the environment (physical, social and temporal) with a cognitive load appropriate to the capacities and needs of individuals.

Develop CPSS to support play therapy activities to mitigate pediatric hospital isolation that consider the physical, clinical and social context of individuals, evaluating its impact on their psychological well-beings 

Research Team

Elena Navarro

Elena Navarro

Principal Investigator

Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

Víctor López Jaquero

Víctor López Jaquero

Co-Principal Investigator

Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

Pascual González López

Pascual González López


University of Castilla-La Mancha

Javier Jaén

Javier Jaén


University Politechnic of Valencia

Francisco Montero

Francisco Montero


University of Castilla-La Mancha

Dulce Romero Ayuso

Dulce Romero Ayuso


University of Granada

International Researchers

Jean Vanderdonckt

Jean Vanderdonckt

Full Professor

Université catholique de Louvain

Uwe Zdun

Uwe Zdun

Full Professor

Universitat Wien

Work Team

Hospital La Fe - Pediatric Unit

Hospital La Fe - Pediatric Unit


Ana Campos Monforte
Carmen Narciso Ramos
Dulce Hernández Seguí
Guillem Murcia López
Sara Fabra Reig

Association of Parents and Friends of Children with Special Needs and Attention to Diversity

Association of Parents and Friends of Children with Special Needs and Attention to Diversity


Desierree García Bernete




Diana Ruiz Ramos

Hospital San Rafael de Granada

Hospital San Rafael de Granada


Jessica Romero Sánchez

Residence for the Elderly Gabias San Cristóbal

Residence for the Elderly Gabias San Cristóbal


Mª José Jiménez Cañadas
Sandra Felipe Jiménez
Mª Carmen Molina Alarcón 

Celia Roldán Occupational Therapy

Celia Roldán Occupational Therapy


Celia Roldán Alaminos



Journal Papers


Moya, A., Pretel, E., Navarro, E. Jaen, J. Analysing the synergies between Multi-agent Systems and Digital Twins: A systematic literature review. Information and Software Technology (2024). (IF: 3.9, Q2).


Moya, A., Pretel, E., Navarro, E. Jaen, J. A systematic literature review of clustering techniques for patients with traumatic brain injury. Artificial Intelligence Review (2023). (IF: 9.588, Q1).

López-Faican, L., Jaen, J. Design and evaluation of an augmented reality cyberphysical game for the development of empathic abilities. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 176 (2023). (IF: 4.866, Q1).

Juan-González, J., García, A.S., Molina, J.P., López-Jaquero, V., Navarro, E., Romero-Ayuso, D., González, P. UrbanRehab: a virtual urban scenario design tool for rehabilitating instrumental activities of daily living. J Ambient Intell Human Comput 14(3): 1339-1358 (2023). (IF:  3.662, Q2).

Cifo, M.A., Bermejo, P., Navarro E., DevOps: is there a gap between Education and Industry?. Journal of Software: Evolution and Process (2023). (IF: 1.864, Q3).


Moya A., Navarro E., Jaén J., López-Jaquero V., Capilla R., Exploiting variability in the design of genetic algorithms to generate telerehabilitation activities. Applied Soft Computing (2022). (IF: 6.725, Q1). (Open Access)

Macías, A., Navarro, E. Paradigms for the Conceptualization of Cyber-Physical-Social-Thinking hyperspace: A Thematic Synthesis, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments (2022) (IF: 2.759, Q3)

García, A. S., Fernández-Sotos, P., González, P., Navarro, E., Rodriguez-Jimenez, R., & Fernández-Caballero, A. (2022). Behavioral intention of mental health practitioners toward the adoption of virtual humans in affect recognition training. Frontiers in Psychology (IF: 4.232, Q3), 13.


Romero-Ayuso D, Toledano-González A, Rodríguez-Martínez MdC, Arroyo-Castillo P, Triviño-Juárez JM, González P, Ariza-Vega P, Del Pino González A, Segura-Fragoso A. Effectiveness of Virtual Reality-Based Interventions for Children and Adolescents with ADHD: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Children. 2021; 8(2):70 (IF: 2.078, Q2).


Romero-Ayuso D, Alcántara-Vázquez P, Almenara-García A, Nuñez-Camarero I, Triviño-Juárez JM, Ariza-Vega P, Molina J-P, González P. Self-Regulation in Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders “SR-MRehab: Un Colegio Emocionante”: A Protocol Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2020; 17(12):4198 (IF: 2.468, Q2).

Conference Papers


Macías, A., Navarro, E., Cuesta, C., Zdun, U., Architecting Digital Twins Using a Domain-Driven Design-Based Approach, 20th IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA 2023), L’Aquila (Italy), March 13rd-17th 2023.

Zhinin-Vera, L., López-Jaquero, V., Navarro, E., Jaen, J., González, P.: A Computational Model for Agents in a Social Context: An Approach Based on Theory of Mind. UCAmI (1) 2023: 3-14

Zhinin-Vera, L., Moya, A., Navarro, E., Jaen, J., Machado, J.: A Reinforcement Learning Algorithm for Improving the Generation of Telerehabilitation Activities of ABI Patients. UCAmI (1) 2023: 15-26

Moya, A., Zhinin-Vera, L., Navarro, E., Jaen, J., Machado, J.: Clustering ABI Patients for a Customized Rehabilitation Process. UCAmI (2) 2023: 217-228.


Macías, A., Muñoz, D., Navarro, E., González, P., Digital Twins-Based Data Fabric Architecture to Enhance Data Management in Intelligent Healthcare Ecosystems,, 14th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence (UCAMI 2022), Córdoba (Spain), November 30th – December 2nd, 2022. 10.1007/978-3-031-21333-5_4

Pretel, E. Navarro, E. López-Jaquero, V., Moya, A., González, P. Multi-Agent Systems in Support of Digital Twins: A Survey. 9th International Work-Conference on the Interplay Between Natural and Artificial Computation (IWINAC 2022). Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain, May 31 – June 3, 2022

Romero-Ayuso, D., González, P., Del Pino, A., Torres, A., Gea, M., Lupiañez, J., Funes, M. J., Díaz Atienza, F., Muñoz-García , M. A., Segura-Fragoso, A., Navarro, E., López-Jarquero, V., A Virtual Reality System for the Evaluation of the Instrumental Activities of Daily Living from an Ecological Perspective: Ecogfun-Rv, 34th Annual Meeting European Academy of Childhood Disability (EACD 2022), Barcelona (Spain), 18-21 May 21, 2022.

Romero-Ayuso, D., González, P., Navarro, E., Gea, M., Triviño-Juárez, J.M., Pérez- Rodríguez, S., Del Pino, A., An Stimulating School: SR-MRehab, 34th Annual Meeting European Academy of Childhood Disability (EACD 2022), Barcelona (Spain), 18-21 May 21, 2022.

Romero-Ayuso, Ortiz-Rubio, A., Triviño-Juárez, J.M., Pérez- Rodríguez, S., Del Pino, A., A Virtual Reality System for the Evaluation of the Instrumental Activities of Daily Living from an Ecological Perspective: Ecogfun-Rv, 34th Annual Meeting European Academy of Childhood Disability (EACD 2022), Barcelona (Spain), 18-21 May, 2022.

Muñoz, D., Macías, A., Navarro, E., Diseño e Implementación de un Sistema Ciber-físico-social para la Monitorización y Prevención de Infecciones por COVID-19 en Residencias de Ancianos, XVII Jornadas de Ciencia e Ingeniería de Servicios (JCIS 2022), Santiago de Compostela (Spain), 5-7 September, 2022. Biblioteca digital

López-Faican, L., Jaen, J., Una Infraestructura de Servicios Web para la Ejecución de Tareas de Realidad Aumentada con Geolocalización en Tiempo Real, XVII Jornadas de Ciencia e Ingeniería de Servicios (JCIS 2022), Santiago de Compostela (Spain), 5-7 September, 2022. Biblioteca digital


Pons, P.; Montaner-Marco, J.; Jaen, J.; Cortés-Amador, S.; Hernández-Espeso, N. Supporting Animal-Mediated Interventions at Home: The Role of Animals and Technology to Facilitate Daily Activities. In Eight International Conference on Animal-Computer Interaction (ACI’21), ACM, New York, NY, USA, 7 pages, November 08–11, 2021, Bloomington, IN, USA.

Montaner-Marco, J.; Jaén Martínez, J.; Pons Tomás, P. Designing a mobile AR application for improving pediatric psychological wellbeing. 23rd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (MobileHCI 2021). (1 – 5). ACM, New York, NY, USA. September 2021,

López-Faican, L.; Jaen, J. Designing gamified interactive systems for empathy development. Companion Publication of the 2021 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS ’21 Companion). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 27–29, June 2021,

Gómez B, Navarro E, A Comparison of Message Brokers for Telerehabilitation Systems, XVI Jornadas de Ingeniería de Ciencia e Ingeniería de Servicios (JCIS 2021), Málaga (Spain) 22 -24 Septiembre 2021, PDF

Montaner-Marco, J.; Carrion-Plaza, A.; Jaén Martínez, J. PicToMe: una actividad multijugador para pacientes pediátricos. XXI Congreso Internacional de Interacción Persona-Ordenador (INTERACCION 2021). (77 – 81). Editorial. Universidad de Málaga, Málaga (Spain) 22 -24 Septiembre 2021, PDF

Romero-Ayuso, D., Arroyo, P., Vázquez, P. Almenara, A.I., González, P., Navarro, E., Un colegio emocionante: regulación emocional en escolares y en niños con TDAH y TEA a través de un programa inclusivo y combinado con realidad virtual (MREHAB), VI Congreso Nacional de Terapia Ocupacional (CITO), May 15-11, 2021 (virtual).


Moya A., Navarro E., Jaén J., López-Jaquero V., Capilla R., «Exploiting variability in the design of genetic algorithms to generate telerehabilitation activities». Published in Code Ocean:

Books and Books Chapters

Navarro E., Jaén J., González P., López-Jaquero V., «Experiencia de Usuario en el desarrollo de los Sistemas Ciberfísicos», Calidad y Sostenibilidad de Sistemas de Información en la Práctica, Rama., eds. Abrahão S., Calero C., ISBN: 978-84-1897-160-0


Grant PID2019-108915RB-I00 funded by:

From: 01/06/2020 until: 30/05/2023.