AIPO International Award to the Best Bachelor Thesis (2019)
Jorge Juan has obtained the award to the Best Bachelor Thesis in the contest of the V edition of the Final Degree Projects and Final Master’s Projects of Spanish and Latin American university degree students who had defended their final degree or Master’s work during the academic year 2017-18. His work entitle «Design of virtual spaces for rehabilitation activities: evaluation of different navigation modes», was carried out under the supervision of researchers Pascual González and José Pascual Molina.
This work has two main contributions. The first one, is related with the development of a tool that allows therapists to design urban spaces for carrying out different rehabilitation activities related with Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL) , such as running errands or going shopping. The second contribution is the evaluation of different virtual locomotion techniques for the navigation in virtual world that requires a solution able to track the user in a larger virtual space than the physical space where the user can be monitored by the tracking hardware. This work has selected and implemented five travel techniques (Arm-swinging, Gamepad, 3D- Mouse, Segwii and Hand-Directed Steering) and analyzed its usability by an experiment designed for this purpose.